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Перевод Примеры
дурно нажитое добро никогда не идёт впрок // Материальные блага, приобретённые нечестным путём, не приносят удачи.

An ancient man with long grey whiskers raised his voice for the first time : "I'll gotten goods never thrive. 'Тis is Scripture. Because he hath oppressed and forsiken the P!>Or, because he hath violently taken away а house wh1ch he builded not-ah! and the furniture, too- therefore shall no man look for his goods. (Sayers)

Worst of all as with the book, were the preachers and moralists who announnced that Barnum was getting just retribution for his "ill-gotten gains". This, when he had labored day and night for what was achieved and deserved. ( Wallace)